Adnan Menderes Blvd. NO:63 B5 BLOCK, 34480
Basaksehir / Istanbul

Caesarean Section

What is a Caesarean section?

A caesarean section is a method of delivery in which the mother's abdominal wall and uterine wall are surgically cut to deliver the baby(s). This method can sometimes be the safest option for the health of the mother or baby. However, each method of delivery has its own advantages and risks. Sesarean section can be a safer alternative to natural birth, especially in certain medical conditions.

History of Caesarean section

The history of caesarean section dates back to ancient times. However, at that time, the main purpose of caesarean section was to save the baby from the dying mother. The modern practice of caesarean section dates back to the 19th century. With the advancement of technology and medical knowledge, the caesarean section method has evolved considerably and is now widely practiced in many countries.

Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide YilmazDr. Yılmaz is one of the leading specialists in cesarean section in Turkey. Caesarean section has become a very common method of delivery in Istanbul and Dr. Yılmaz has performed many successful operations in this field. Caesarean section prices may vary depending on the method used, the location of the hospital and the expertise of the doctor. However, the safety of the delivery and the comfort of the mother should come first.

The history of caesarean section has been shaped by medical advances as well as social and cultural changes. Today, many expectant mothers prefer cesarean section because of the advantages it offers. However, it is important to remember that each method of delivery has its own advantages and risks. The history of caesarean section can help us understand how it developed and why it is so common today.

Prevalence and Causes of Caesarean Section

Caesarean section has become a common method of delivery in Istanbul and many parts of Turkey. However, the prevalence of this method is not limited to our country, it is also increasing worldwide. So, what are the underlying reasons why cesarean section has become so common?

Worldwide Prevalence of Caesarean Section

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cesarean section rates have been increasing globally in recent years. In some countries, more than half of all births are by caesarean section. The reasons for this increase include medical necessity as well as social and cultural factors.

The Most Common Reasons for Caesarean Section

Caesarean section is one of the most common reasons for birth:

- The baby's position is not suitable for natural birth
- The expectant mother has had a cesarean section before
- Multiple pregnancies
- The baby is big
- Health problems of the mother
- The baby is under stress

There are medical reasons such as. However, Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide Yilmaz'According to the study, factors such as the price of caesarean section and the frequent discussion of caesarean section on social media may also affect the preference for this method.

Differences Between Natural Childbirth and Caesarean Section

Natural birth and caesarean section offer different advantages and risks for the health of both mother and baby. Natural birth usually offers a shorter recovery time, while a caesarean section can minimize some risks. However, both methods can be performed safely under the right circumstances.

In conclusion, the prevalence and causes of caesarean section are based on both medical and social factors. Performing a caesarean section correctly and when necessary will provide the best outcome for the health of the mother and baby.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Caesarean section

A caesarean section can be performed due to medical necessity or by choice of the expectant mother. However, each method of delivery has its own advantages and risks. Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz is a specialist who has performed many successful cesarean section operations in Istanbul and has in-depth knowledge on this subject. In this section, we will focus on the advantages and possible risks of caesarean section.

Advantages of Caesarean section

Some clear advantages of a caesarean section are the following:

Plannability: A caesarean section can be planned in advance. This makes it easier for families to prepare before and after the birth.
Controlling the Birth Process: Caesarean section allows for a more controlled birth process.
Reduction of Some Risks: Some of the risks that can be encountered during natural childbirth are eliminated during a cesarean section.

Possible Risks and Disadvantages of Caesarean Section

As with any surgical intervention, a caesarean section has some risks:

Operation Risks: There are surgical risks such as complications due to anesthesia, risk of infection or bleeding.
Long Recovery Time: The recovery time after a caesarean section may be longer than after a natural birth.
Economic Factors: Caesarean section prices may be higher than for a natural birth, but this can vary depending on the hospital and the doctor's expertise.

Long Term Effects: For Mother and Baby

The long-term effects of a caesarean section are important for both mother and baby:

Mother's Health: A caesarean section can cause some changes in the mother's body. These changes can affect the mother's health in the postpartum period and in the following years.
Effects for the baby: Babies born by caesarean section may have different health conditions compared to babies born naturally.

In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of cesarean delivery should be evaluated depending on the health status of the expectant mother, her preferences and medical necessities. When deciding on a cesarean section, Opr. Consulting an experienced specialist such as Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz is important to make the best decision.

Caesarean Section Process

A caesarean section is a planned surgical intervention. This process proceeds according to a schedule determined by the health status of the expectant mother, the position of the baby and other medical factors. Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz is known for her successful cesarean section operations in Istanbul and is with the mother at every stage of this process. To better understand the cesarean section process, let's take a closer look at the stages of this process.

Preparation before Caesarean section

Before a cesarean section, the expectant mother must be physically and mentally prepared. In this preparation phase:

Medical Checkups: The general health of the expectant mother, the position of the baby and other medical factors are evaluated.
Information: Information is given about the price of a caesarean section, how the operation will be performed and what to expect afterwards.
Physical Preparation: The expectant mother is provided with nutritional and lifestyle recommendations that she should take before cesarean section.

Stages of a Caesarean Section

Caesarean section is performed in a sterile environment and by a team of specialists. The main stages of the operation are as follows:

1. Anesthesia: General or spinal anesthesia is applied so that the expectant mother does not feel pain.
2. Surgical Intervention: The abdominal wall and uterus are cut and the baby is carefully removed.
3. First Contact with the Baby: Immediately after birth, the baby makes its first contact with its mother.
4. Stitching: The incisions are carefully sutured and the operation is completed.

Recovery after Caesarean section

Recovery after a caesarean section may be longer than after a natural birth. In this process

Hospital Accommodation: You are usually hospitalized for 2-4 days after a caesarean section.
Pain Management: For postpartum pain, painkillers recommended by the doctor are used.
Physical Activity: Taking light walks in the first few days can speed up the healing process.

The caesarean section is carefully planned to achieve the best outcome for the health of the mother and baby. Opr. Under the guidance of an experienced specialist such as Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz, the cesarean delivery process can be completed safely and comfortably.

Post-Cesarean Care and Recommendations

Caesarean section is a critical process for the health of the mother and the baby. However, the end of this process does not mean the end of the mother's care needs. The post-cesarean period is important for the mother's physical and emotional recovery. In this process, Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz can help the mother recover faster and healthier. Caesarean section is a common method of delivery in Istanbul, and with the right care and advice, it is possible for the mother to have a comfortable recovery.

First Days After Hospitalization

The first days after a Caesarean section are the time when the mother's body reacts to the operation and the healing process begins.

Pain Management: Pain after a caesarean section can be controlled with painkillers included in the price of a caesarean section.
Wound Care: Keeping the suture clean and dry reduces the risk of infection.
Bonding with the Baby: During this period, it is important for the mother to spend quality time with her baby for the emotional health of both mother and baby.

Wound Care and Hygiene

A caesarean section wound requires special care because it is the result of a surgical intervention.

Cleaning the Seam: The wound site should be gently cleaned daily and kept dry.
Attention to Symptoms of Infection: If there are signs of infection such as redness, swelling or discharge, consult a specialist immediately.

Physical Activity and Nutrition Recommendations

In the post-Cesarean period, it is recommended that the mother gradually increase physical activity and eat a balanced diet.

Light Exercises: Light exercise, such as walking, can speed up recovery by increasing blood circulation.
Balanced Nutrition: In the period after cesarean section, adequate protein, vitamin and mineral intake by the mother supports wound healing.

Post-cesarean care and recommendations ensure a quick and healthy recovery for the mother. In this process, the guidance of experienced specialists such as Opr. The guidance of experienced specialists such as Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz can help the mother to spend the post-cesarean period more comfortably. Caesarean section is a birth method recommended by many experts in Istanbul, and with the right care and recommendations, it is possible for the mother to have a comfortable recovery process.

Psychological Effects of Caesarean Section

Caesarean section can affect a mother's psychological health as well as her physical health. During this process, mothers may experience emotional changes and psychological reactions such as depression and anxiety. Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz emphasizes that cesarean section is a common method of delivery in Istanbul and therefore mothers should be made aware of the psychological effects after cesarean section.

Emotional changes in mothers after cesarean section

After a caesarean section, mothers may experience a number of emotional changes:

Emotional Fluctuations: Hormonal changes can cause emotional fluctuations in mothers.
Attachment Problems: Some mothers may have difficulty bonding with their babies after a caesarean section.
Disappointment: Mothers who planned a natural birth but had a caesarean section may feel disappointment and sadness.

Depression and Anxiety after Caesarean Section

Caesarean section can increase the risk of depression and anxiety in mothers:

Postpartum Depression: Caesarean section can increase the risk of postpartum depression. Mothers may experience symptoms such as feeling sad all the time, lack of energy or lack of interest in the baby.
Anxiety: In the post-cesarean period, mothers may experience anxiety symptoms. These symptoms can include excessive worry, insomnia and panic attacks.

Resources for Emotional Support and Help after Cesarean Section

It is important to seek sources of emotional support and help to cope with psychological difficulties after a caesarean section:

Professional Help: It may be helpful to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist to deal with psychological difficulties.
Support Groups: It offers the opportunity to connect with other mothers who have had a cesarean birth, share experiences and get support.
Family and Friends: In the post-cesarean period, the support of family and friends can help the mother to recover psychologically.

Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz states that in addition to the physical effects of cesarean delivery, the psychological effects should not be ignored. Caesarean section is a frequently preferred method of delivery in Istanbul and emphasizes the importance of mothers receiving emotional support and help in this process. When the prices of cesarean section are evaluated together with the physical and psychological effects of cesarean section, the importance of mothers receiving the best care in this process becomes even more evident.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Caesarean section is a topic of curiosity for many expectant mothers. In this section, the most frequently asked questions about cesarean delivery and Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz's expert opinions are included.

What are the advantages of caesarean section compared to natural birth?

Caesarean section has some advantages over natural birth:

A More Controlled Process: Since a caesarean section is a planned operation, the birth process is more controlled.
Less Pain: The contractions experienced during a natural birth are not experienced during a caesarean section.
Preferred in Certain Complications: A cesarean section may be safer in cases such as breech presentation of the baby or placenta previa.

How long should I stay in hospital after a cesarean section?

The duration of hospital stay after cesarean section usually varies between 2-4 days. However, this period may vary depending on the health condition of the mother and the baby, the hospital conditions in big cities such as Istanbul and the recommendations of the specialist doctor such as Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz may vary depending on the recommendations of the specialist doctor.

How long does the pain last after cesarean section?

The pain after a caesarean section usually subsides within a few days. However, full recovery may vary from person to person. Caesarean section prices can also be directly related to the quality of the operation and the care received afterwards.

When can I take a bath after a cesarean section?

Bathing time after a caesarean section depends on the healing process of the stitches. Generally, it is recommended not to bathe for the first 24-48 hours to prevent the stitches from coming into contact with water. However, this period may change with the doctor's recommendations.

Does having a cesarean section prevent natural birth in the future?

Having a caesarean section does not necessarily prevent natural childbirth in the future. However, there may be some risks in transitioning to natural birth after multiple cesarean sections. For this reason, the decision to have a natural birth after cesarean section (VBAC) should be made in consultation with Opr. Dr. Tuba Nadide Yılmaz should be consulted by a specialist doctor.

Dr. Tuba Nadide Yilmaz

Dr. Tuba Nadide Yilmaz

Obstetrician Dr. Tuba Nadide Yilmaz is a leading expert in her field, specializing in genital aesthetics and health services with extensive knowledge and experience. She offers comprehensive guidance for maintaining a healthy lifestyle along with customized solutions that cater to individual patient needs using modern treatment methods. We endeavor to restore your self-confidence. Please feel free to contact us for any questions or appointment requests. Our top priority is your health.