
Can I Drive While Pregnant?

Pregnancy is one of the most special and exciting times in a woman's life. During this period, as in many aspects of daily life, some concerns and questions may arise about driving. So, is it safe to drive while pregnant? What precautions should you take? In this article, we will discuss driving while pregnant in detail.

Safety of Driving While Pregnant

First of all, it is important to note that pregnancy alone is not an obstacle to driving. Most pregnant women can drive safely for most of their pregnancy. However, each pregnancy is unique and your personal health, the course of your pregnancy and the advice of your doctor should be taken into account.

In general, in an uncomplicated pregnancy, if you are feeling well and your doctor has not imposed any restrictions, there is no harm in driving. However, caution may be needed later in pregnancy or in some special circumstances.

Driving at different stages of pregnancy

First Three Months (1-13 weeks)

There are usually no major problems with driving in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, you may be distracted by symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and dizziness. For this reason:

  • Don't get behind the wheel if you don't feel well.
  • Avoid long journeys with short breaks.
  • Always have water and snacks in the vehicle.
  • If you feel nauseous, eat comfort foods such as ginger biscuits or lemon water.

Second Trimester (14-26 weeks)

This is usually the most comfortable period of pregnancy. Most expectant mothers feel energized and can carry out their daily activities normally. Driving

  • Wear your seat belt correctly (more on this later).
  • Keep enough distance from the steering wheel.
  • On long journeys, take frequent breaks and keep your legs moving.

Last Three Months (27-40 Weeks)

Driving in late pregnancy can become a little more difficult. Your growing belly can affect your mobility and vision. During this period

  • Make sure you can grip the steering wheel comfortably.
  • Beware of swollen feet, especially on long journeys.
  • If you feel tired, take a break or ask someone else for help.
  • Never drive a car if you are having labor symptoms.

Precautions When Driving While Pregnant

Seat Belt Use

The seat belt is also a lifesaver during pregnancy. When used correctly, it protects both mother and baby. Here is how to use seat belts correctly:

  1. Place the lap belt under your stomach, over your hips.
  2. Place the shoulder belt on your shoulder, passing it between your breasts.
  3. Make sure that the belt does not put pressure on your stomach.
  4. Never pass the belt over your stomach or behind your back.

Steering Wheel Position

As the pregnancy progresses, you may need to adjust your sitting position:

  • Keep a distance of at least 25 cm between the steering wheel and your chest.
  • Adjust your seat so that you can reach the pedals comfortably.
  • Position the steering wheel so that it does not touch your stomach.


Airbags are also safe for pregnant women and should not be turned off. However:

  • Keep enough distance from the steering wheel.
  • Choose a vehicle with side airbags.

Frequent Breaks

It is important to take regular breaks on long journeys:

  • Take a break every 1-2 hours.
  • Move your legs and take a walk.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat healthy snacks.

Risks of Driving While Pregnant

Although driving while pregnant is generally safe, there are some risks:

Accident Risk

Pregnancy can affect your reflexes and reaction time. Fatigue and distraction can also increase the risk of accidents.

Stress and Anxiety

Traffic stress can be more intense during pregnancy and can be harmful for both mother and baby.

Physical Challenges

Especially in the last trimester, a growing abdomen can make it difficult to steer.

When Should You Avoid Driving?

In some cases it is safer to avoid driving:

  • If there is a threat of miscarriage or risk of premature birth
  • If placenta previa is diagnosed
  • High blood pressure or pre-eclampsia
  • You feel excessive fatigue, dizziness or nausea
  • If signs of labor have started

Alternative Transportation Options

If you do not want to or cannot drive, you can consider the following alternatives:

  1. Public transportation (bus, metro, tram)
  2. Taxi or private car services
  3. Asking for help from family members or friends
  4. Walking (for short distances and with doctor's approval)

Car Safety Tips During Pregnancy

  1. Check the temperature inside the vehicle. Excessive heat or cold can cause discomfort.
  2. Keep nausea-relieving products on hand, such as aromatherapy oils or mints.
  3. Wear comfortable clothes and avoid tight belts.
  4. Install an additional lumbar support in your car seat.
  5. Wear sunglasses, they help prevent glare and headaches.

Driving after childbirth

Get your doctor's approval before you start driving after giving birth. Usually, you can start driving 1-2 weeks after a normal delivery and 3-4 weeks after a caesarean section. However, every woman's recovery process is different.

Car Safety for Baby

After your baby is born, you will need to take new precautions when it comes to vehicle safety:

  1. Choose a suitable infant car seat and install it correctly.
  2. Never carry the baby in the front seat.
  3. On long journeys, take frequent breaks and check on your baby.
  4. Never leave the baby alone when parking the car.


Driving while pregnant is safe in most cases. However, it is important to be guided by your personal health, the course of your pregnancy and the advice of your doctor. Listen to yourself, take the necessary precautions and always consult a health professional when in doubt.

Remember that pregnancy is temporary and your safety and your baby's health are paramount. If you do not feel comfortable and safe driving, do not hesitate to choose alternative modes of transportation.

We wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy!